Saturday, 30 March 2013

Sorry it's late

International Women's Day event with Glenys Kinnock (Jan Royall, Sue Bertwistle and Alice Jolly)

On March 9th I, along with at least 150 others, attended an event that was empowering, very moving and at times utterly depressing. We gathered for soup, tea and a conversation about women and their place in the world.

The glorious Glenys Kinnock spoke about the horrendous situation that women find themselves in around the world. The statistics speak for themselves. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, 12% of the female population has been raped at least once. That is 48 women being raped every hour. Rape continues to be used as a weapon in these war-torn countries.

The problems do not only lie in the developing world though. In the UK women still find themselves discriminated against in a systematic manner.

Approximately 30,000 women lose their jobs each year as a result of being pregnant

The British Crime Survey of 2005 showed that 45% of women have experienced
some form of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking .

Approximately 10,000 women are sexually assaulted and 2,000 women are raped every week .

Female graduates earn 15% less than their male counterparts at the age of 24 – this increases to a massive 40.5% by the age of 45.

The list goes on, and on, and on.

Then we began our conversation, and what we spoke about was not these huge, insurmountable imbalances. It was the individual situations in which we find ourselves everyday that remind us that, despite years of hard work and legislative change we are still not equal in society; we still do not have equal rights; we still do not have equal opportunities; we still do not have equal pay; and we are still not treated as equal under the law.

We spoke about the incredible hard work that individuals have done – to improve the chances of cared-for children, to improve the domestic violence refuges in the county (that have now been slashed and demolished; did you know there is only one refuge for victims of domestic violence in the whole county of Gloucestershire?).

Ex-Labour Group leader on Gloucestershire County Council, Maureen Rutter, spoke passionately about the guilt that she felt at not speaking up when she saw a typical example of the ways careers are split between male and female.

A group of scientist in a local school play were all played by boys. Seemingly a small event, not worthy of note. But it is these unconscious stereotypes that perpetuate the attitudes that continue to hold us back.

If a young girl sees that, even in a fictional school play, scientists are all male, she will be less likely to view that as a possible career path. It is a small thing, but add all of those events that you have witnessed that are similar to this and it is not hard to see why these attitudes still remain. And why the ratio of male to female scientists is massively unbalanced.

We all understood exactly what Maureen had seen, and the guilt that she felt at not speaking up, at not attempting to break that cycle.

The work that Maureen, Glenys, Jan, and others like them have done over the years has broken that cycle though, and it is our responsibility to continue that. To educate each other and our girls that they can do anything, be anything, that they want. To pave the way and do the hard work so that those women that come after us do not have to face the systematic inequality and abuse that we and the generations before us have experienced.

Education is absolutely key, here and across the world. Educating females – especially to secondary school level – is one of the most effective way to reduce poverty, to reduce child marriages, to reduce child mortality and family sizes. An educated women knows her rights and how to claim them. An educated women knows the importance of educating all of her children, not just the male ones. An educated woman is powerful. And we need powerful women.

(Please feel free to contact me regarding any of the statistics that I have used)

Friday, 1 March 2013

An ethical foreign policy - an impossibility.

An evening that was both hopeful and highly depressing.

A "talking politics" talk entitled 'an ethical foreign policy' that I entered fully convinced that such a thing is impossible. And which I left with my mind unchanged.

This was not due to the ideas of those present; we had an informed, intelligent and hopeful debate. Foreign policy should be formed around the concepts of honesty and coherence. Ethical governance forms the base for an ethical foreign policy. War should not be contracted out to the private sector. The arms trade should not be subsidised and supported and advertised by the state. Intervention should not be undertaken lightly. RtoP is a problematic norm. Aid should not be provided to states that abuse their people.

The problem is that we do not run the country. And we never will because we are people of conscience. Who have morals and stand by them. Those at the top are hungry for power and re-election and the vast majority if them will not let a bit of human rights or their morals get in their way.

With all due respect to him, MPs like David Drew (was, and hopefully will be again) will never get into government because they vote with their conscience against their party. And so those who do get into government are those who vote with the party no matter what their own views. For the sake of getting a bit of extra power. And these are the people forming foreign policy.

Couple this with the dominance of the national interest; specifically energy security and economic expansion; in all areas of policy, what hope do ethics, human rights or even the rule of law have?

Please feel free to disagree with me if you think I'm wrong. I would like to be proved so. The conclusion I have arrived at is not a welcome one.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

My heart is broken.

Yeah so my first blog post back is not about the campaign, or something sad in the news, or how nice ladies in Subway recognise me now.

It's about how sad I am because my car is broken.

I am very sad. Heartbroken in fact. I love her. I love her so much that I pat her at the end of every journey. And take photos of her next to others like her (although this picture was taken by the owner of the one on the left, turns out we all take photos of our cars). And I tell everyone about her so much that I had to get "stop talking" tattooed on myself to remind me that no one cares.

She is a useless car. She eats petrol. She is lacking in the normal number of doors. She will not go up tall hills. She is too small. And now I cannot change gear without both hands on the gearstick which is not quite practical. But if it is too expensive to fix her I will actually cry.

Or wait until it is sunny and fix her myself. That's what we modern girls do now.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

In praise of ...

... Vic Hillier

He writes books, specifically "Hillier's Fundamentals of Motor Vehicle Technology" (multiple volumes). I am currently on Book 1, page 45. Today's lesson; torque and power, and single and multi-cylinder engines. Being the saddo learning Goddess that I am, multiple colour highlighters have been recruited and I am slavishly writing notes in my old school exercise book with my fountain pen. Because I'm cool. Yeah.
Except I'm not that cool because yesterday I had a mega-maths-super-fail.
I got confused about where the '+1' came from. My maths learning really is that bad. Apparently, according to Kellett, when you divide anything by itself it is always 1. I believe him. Until evidence proves otherwise.
Apart from that, all learning has been going well. May have to get me an old Maths GCSE revision book. Yes. Good idea. Shall do that.
Oh yes, back to the book. It's my favourite. That's all.

Happy Millie?

Friday, 22 July 2011

Thursday, 21 July 2011

In praise of ...

... Amy Goodman

Possibly my favourite person. In the world. Ever. I am actually quite in love with her. She is a fantastic journalist and has spent years furthering the broadcast of liberal news in the USA. The daily news show Democracy Now! The War and Peace Report, that she hosts with fellow investigative journalist Juan Gonzalez, is an award winning independent programme broadcast throughout the States and on-line across the world. It provides some of the most progressive and diverse news coverage in the USA, often featuring interviews with figures such as Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk and John Pilger. I really cannot praise it enough. The War and Peace Report is the most in-depth and interesting news programme I have had the pleasure of watching and always give voice to those that usually go unheard. But that's not all, Amy has been an investigative journalist for over 20 years, reporting on the East Timor revolution in 1991 among many other well known events. And if that wasn't enough, she has also written four books, the most recent in 2009. Because I am a fool, I haven't read any of them yet. but they are on my list. I promise. And they should be on yours too. Oh yeah, and her hair is really good. If she'd have me, I would marry her.

Go see >>